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I've Moved!

After 10 years, I have moved from Santa Rosa to my home office. I can't think of a better place to offer flower essence consultations than on beautiful country land among kindred trees and flowers (photo below). It took the pandemic to clarify something I had been thinking about doing for months. Although other businesses are starting to reopen, I don't share the confidence that it is safe to do consultations in person. When that time comes, I will let you all know. In the meantime, I will continue to offer phone consultations from my new office and mail all formulas directly to you.

I am including two testimonials (below) from recent clients who have been using the flower essences. It is always good to hear how people are benefiting; these testimonials show you how specific essences addressed the emotional toll of the pandemic in clients' lives. Do you resonate with these feelings? How might you be feeling?

Essences restore emotional well-being and resiliency. They are natural, without side effects, and safe to use alongside other treatments and medicines. I think in these unprecedented times we are called upon to take whatever measures we can (hopefully healthy ones) to repeatedly reclaim our emotional balance. When we feel calm in spirit we profoundly affect the outer world, a world that needs us to participate wholeheartedly with resilience.

I hope you will consider trying a Bach Flower consultation with me remotely from my new home office. I also offer a 15-minute complimentary call to answer any questions or concerns, if you should have them.



Read what others have to say:

“When the coronavirus outbreak started getting serious, I found myself jolting awake suddenly, very early in the morning, with an instant experience of terror. This anxiety continued to plague me for weeks. Shirley worked diligently to perfect the right combination of flower essences and I was finally able to relax and sleep well again. What I especially appreciate about Shirley’s many gifts is the patient and loving attention she gives to you in trying to pin down all the details of your physical and emotional concerns and symptoms. I have felt so cared for in her very capable and caring hands.” ~E.R.

"Shirley is so knowledgeable, intuitive and really takes the time to pinpoint the perfect combination of flowers specific to your individual needs. As a pregnant woman, I needed something that naturally and effectively decreased my anxiety and depression. I noticed a shift in my mood immediately after starting the flowers and recommend Shirley to anyone who is feeling ‘off’, especially as a result of the tough times we are all impacted by today." ~Jenna L.

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