Rescue Remedy: Feb Bach Flower
For the first month I want to highlight RESCUE Remedy® developed 80 yrs ago by Dr. Edward Bach and continues to help millions around the world stress less, stay calm and in control. The distinct 'little yellow bottle' is the only combination remedy formulated to meet everyday stresses that can wear on your health over time. Great for traffic, getting kids to school, work deadlines, moving, taking an exam, giving a presentation, car trouble, getting married, having a baby or an unexpected car accident or trauma.
The Five Flowers in Rescue Remedy are:
Clematis - for dizziness, spaciness or loss of consciousness;
Cherry Plum - for loss of mental and/or physical control;
Impatiens - for emotional tension and/or pain, impatience
Rock Rose - for addressing panic and terror; and
Star of Bethlehem - addressing shock, emotional or physical trauma and/or grief and loss.
Take as directed. Safe to repeat as often as needed. If you find this formula does not help, you may need to consider other flower remedies and/or consult with a Bach Flower Practitioner.